Dolus without knowlegde?

Reflections on tax fraud conviction of Lionel Messi


  • Ramon Ragués i Vallès Universitat Pompeu Fabra/Espanha



mens rea, dolus, wilful blindness, tax fraud


In civil law systems, the possible existence of a dolus that does not require knowledge of the objective circumstances of the criminal offense has been discussed in recent times. This discussion has been fostered from two very different traditions: the German theory of the so-called “blindness to the facts” (Tatsachenblindheit) and the common law doctrine of willful blindness. This work critically exposes and values these approaches and, to show its practical relevance, it will do so by means of one of the most famous cases in which these theories have been applied: the conviction of the football player Lionel Messi for tax fraud.

Author Biography

Ramon Ragués i Vallès, Universitat Pompeu Fabra/Espanha

Doutor em Direito (UPF/Espanha). Catedrático de Direito Penal (UPF/Espanha).


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How to Cite

RAGUÉS I VALLÈS, R. Dolus without knowlegde? Reflections on tax fraud conviction of Lionel Messi. Revista do Instituto de Ciências Penais, Belo Horizonte, v. 7, n. 2, p. 265–284, 2022. DOI: 10.46274/1809-192XRICP2022v7n2p265-284. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jan. 2025.


