Prognosis of the risk and predictability of the result

an analysis from the judgment in the AgRg-REsp 1.094.758




predictability, objective imputation, negligence, devaluation of action, devaluation of result


The scope of this article is to analyze, from the case decided in RE 1.094.758, the institute of predictability in the theory of crime. First, the factual details of the res judicata are presented, which generated an indictment for bodily injuries qualified by the death of the victim, and then we move on to the presentation of how the different instances of the Judiciary decided, as well as the reasons for deciding. Next, the specific grounds for the decision are analyzed in order to clarify whether the finding of the unpredictability of a factual element closes the question of risk prognosis. Thereby, it is reflected on the minimum criteria for the analysis of predictability and the arguments contained in the decision that defined the outcome of the case analyzed are scrutinized. At the end, it is also analyzed whether a special condition of the victim not knowable to the agent could be considered in the risk prognosis and whether the analyzed judge could resolve the case by the absence of devaluation of result. It is concluded that the analyzed judgment did not fully analyze the issue of predictability of the result, because the impossibility of predicting that the victim had a disease does not necessarily equate to the conclusion that the outcome was unpredictable.


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How to Cite

DOS SANTOS AMARAL, R. Prognosis of the risk and predictability of the result: an analysis from the judgment in the AgRg-REsp 1.094.758. Revista do Instituto de Ciências Penais, Belo Horizonte, v. 8, n. 2, p. 275–298, 2023. DOI: 10.46274/1809-192XRICP2023v8n2p275-298. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jan. 2025.




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